Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Video Venue – Video Setup (Part1)

 Along with a quality sound setup, it was vital that we make the video in this “Video Venue” be  at the highest quality possible while creating an experience that made the user forget they where watching someone on a screen.

Our main worship center has a large stage in the center and two large screens on each side of the stage and a screen directly behind the stage. (See Picture)

My goal was to replicate that same feel in our video venue by having two side screens and one very large center screen on even level with the stage so that when a viewer sees the speaker they feel they experiencing a life size person on the stage. However before we committed to this format we did an experiment for an Easter service. We took our youth area and duplicated the desired look of a potential new video venue. (Easter Setup)

This setup was a success and we received a lot of positive feedback. This gave us the green light to design what would eventually become the video venue remodel.
(These pics were taken the day before we opened for the first service)

We are still running in our video in standard definition (4x3) in our worship center. Due to this we had to consider how to make the video venue video and worship center videos resolutions work together. So we decided to mirror the two areas. The side screens in the video venue are standard def, like the worship center. The center screen would be high def and we also replaced the center screen in the worship center to make that one high def as well.

Now for both venues the video distribution and looks match to create as much of an authentic feel as we can and allows for crossover video between the two venues.

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